netsh » p2p » pnrp » peer » enumerate

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh p2p pnrp peer enumerate ? Usage: enumerate [peername=] [cloud=] [[maxresults=]] Parameters: peername - | maxresults - should be a number between 1 and 500. Default is 50. cloud - The cloud where the enumeration should happen. Remarks: Enumerates a peer name in the specified cloud. The command finds as many entries as specified by the maxresults (or could complete when the resolutions are complete). Examples: enumerate 0.0 cloud=Global_ maxresults=2 enumerate peername=0.0 cloud=Global_


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Enumerates a peer name in the specified cloud. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/p2p/pnrp/peer/enumerate.htm
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