netsh » interface » ipv6 » set » global

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh interface ipv6 set global ? Usage: set global [[defaultcurhoplimit=]] [neighborcachelimit=] [[routecachelimit=]] [[reassemblylimit=]] [[store=]active|persistent] Parameters: Tag Value defaultcurhoplimit - Default HopLimit of packets sent. neighborcachelimit - Maximum number of neighbor cache entries. routecachelimit - Maximum number of route cache entries. reassemblylimit - Maximum size of reassembly buffer. store - One of the following values: active: Change only lasts until next boot. persistent: Change is persistent (default). Remarks: Modifies global configuration general parameters. Example: set global 32 100 100000


Quick - Link:
netsh routing ipx set interface
Updates IPX configuration on an interface.
netsh routing ip add preferenceforprotocol
Adds a preference level for a routing protocol.
netsh interface ipv6 6to4 show routing
Shows the 6to4 routing state.
netsh diag show adapter
Displays all of the Adapters.


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Modifies global configuration general parameters. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/interface/ipv6/set/global.htm
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