netsh » routing » ip » rip » set » interface

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ip rip set interface ? Usage: set interface [name=] [[metric=]integer] [[updatemode=]demand|periodic] [[announce=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2] [[accept=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2] [[expire=]integer] [[remove=]integer] [[update=]integer] [[authmode=]authnone|authsimplepassword] [[tag=]integer] [[unicast=]also|only|disable] [[accfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable] [[annfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable] [[password=]string] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where you are configuring RIP. metric - A metric value for routes based on this interface. updatemode - One of the following values: demand: Use update on demand mode. periodic: Perform updates based upon a periodic interval. announce - One of the following values: none: Announce all routes. rip1: Announce RIP version 1 routes only. rip1compat: Announce using RIP version-compatible mode. rip2: Announce RIP version 2 routes only. accept - One of the following values: none: Accept all routes. rip1: Accept RIP version 1 routes only. rip1compat: Accept using RIP version-compatible mode. rip2: Accept RIP version 2 routes only. expire - The route expiration interval (in seconds). remove - The route removal interval (in seconds). update - The full update interval (in seconds). authmode - One of the following values: authnone: No authorization required. authsimplepassword: Password authorization required. tag - The route tag. unicast - One of the following values: also: Use also unicast. only: Use only unicast mode. disable: Disable unicast mode. accfiltmode - One of the following values: include: Include acceptance filters. exclude: Exclude acceptance filters. disable: Disable acceptance filters. annfiltmode - One of the following values: include: Include announcement filters. exclude: Exclude announcement filters. disable: Disable announcement filters. password - A clear-text password (16 characters maximum length). Remarks: Modifies RIP configuration on a specified interface. Examples: set interface "Local Area Connection" metric=2 updatemode=periodic Modifies the RIP configuration on the local interface with a metric value of 2, and to perform updates on demand.


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Modifies RIP configuration on a specified interface. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ip/rip/set/interface.htm
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