Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ipx set interface ?
SET command is used to update the IPX configuration.
Command Syntax:
SET INTERFACE ifname [[ADMSTATE= ] admstate][[WANPROTOCOL= ] prot]
SET STATICROUTE ifname net [[NEXTHOPMACADDRESS=] mac][[TICKS=] ticks][[HOPS=] hops]
SET STATICSERVICE ifname svtype svname [[NETWORK=] net][[NODE=] node][[SOCKET=] socket][[HOPS=] hops]
SET FILTER ifname mode action
ifname - name of the interface (use Dial-In for RAS clients).
admstate- ENABLED or DISABLED.
prot - PPP or IPXWAN.
net - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional).
mac - 6-byte next hop mac address (up to 12 hex digits, leading 0's optional).
ticks - tick count (decimal).
hops - hop count (decimal).
mode - INPUT or OUTPUT.
action - PERMIT or DENY.