netsh » routing » ipx » set » staticroute

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ipx set staticroute ? SET command is used to update the IPX configuration. Command Syntax: SET INTERFACE ifname [[ADMSTATE= ] admstate] [[WANPROTOCOL= ] prot] SET STATICROUTE ifname net [[NEXTHOPMACADDRESS=] mac] [[TICKS=] ticks] [[HOPS=] hops] SET STATICSERVICE ifname svtype svname [[NETWORK=] net] [[NODE=] node] [[SOCKET=] socket] [[HOPS=] hops] SET FILTER ifname mode action where: ifname - name of the interface (use Dial-In for RAS clients). admstate- ENABLED or DISABLED. prot - PPP or IPXWAN. net - 4-byte network address (up to 8 hex digits, leading 0's optional). mac - 6-byte next hop mac address (up to 12 hex digits, leading 0's optional). ticks - tick count (decimal). hops - hop count (decimal). mode - INPUT or OUTPUT. action - PERMIT or DENY.


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Updates a static route in the route table. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ipx/set/staticroute.htm
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