
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh ? Usage: netsh [-a AliasFile] [-c Context] [-r RemoteMachine] [Command | -f ScriptFile] Commands in this context: .. - Goes up one context level. ? - Displays a list of commands. abort - Discards changes made while in offline mode. add - Adds a configuration entry to a list of entries. alias - Adds an alias. bridge - Changes to the `netsh bridge' context. bye - Exits the program. commit - Commits changes made while in offline mode. delete - Deletes a configuration entry from a list of entries. diag - Changes to the `netsh diag' context. dump - Displays a configuration script. exec - Runs a script file. exit - Exits the program. firewall - Changes to the `netsh firewall' context. help - Displays a list of commands. interface - Changes to the `netsh interface' context. lan - Changes to the `netsh lan' context. nap - Changes to the `netsh nap' context. offline - Sets the current mode to offline. online - Sets the current mode to online. p2p - Changes to the `netsh p2p' context. popd - Pops a context from the stack. pushd - Pushes current context on stack. quit - Exits the program. ras - Changes to the `netsh ras' context. routing - Changes to the `netsh routing' context. set - Updates configuration settings. show - Displays information. unalias - Deletes an alias. winsock - Changes to the `netsh winsock' context. The following sub-contexts are available: bridge diag firewall interface lan nap p2p ras routing winsock To view help for a command, type the command, followed by a space, and then type ?.


Quick - Link:
netsh routing ip ospf show interface
Shows OSPF configuration for the specified interface.
netsh p2p group db show
Displays Information.
netsh routing ip autodhcp set global
Changes global DHCP allocator parameters.
netsh routing ip routerdiscovery add interface
Configures router discovery for the specified interface.
netsh p2p pnrp peer traceroute
Resolves a peer name with path tracing.


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/ Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh.htm
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