netsh » routing » ip » rip » add » interface

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ip rip add interface ? Usage: add interface [name=] [[metric=]integer] [[updatemode=]demand|periodic] [[announce=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2] [[accept=]none|rip1|rip1compat|rip2] [[expire=]integer] [[remove=]integer] [[update=]integer] [[authmode=]authnone|authsimplepassword] [[tag=]integer] [[unicast=]also|only|disable] [[accfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable] [[annfiltmode=]include|exclude|disable] [[password=]string] Parameters: name - The name of the interface where you are adding RIP. metric - A metric value for routes based on this interface. updatemode - One of the following values: demand: Use update on demand mode. periodic: Perform updates based on periodic intervals. announce - One of the following values: none: Announce all routes. rip1: Announce RIP version 1 routes only. rip1compat: Announce using RIP version-compatible mode. rip2: Announce RIP version 2 routes only. accept - One of the following values: none: Accept all routes. rip1: Accept RIP version 1 routes only. rip1compat: Accept using RIP version-compatible mode. rip2: Accept RIP version 2 routes only. expire - The route expiration interval. remove - The route removal interval. update - The full update interval. authmode - One of the following values: authnone: No authorization required. authsimplepassword: Password authorization required. tag - The route tag. unicast - One of the following values: also: Use also unicast. only: Use only unicast mode. disable: Disable unicast mode. accfiltmode - One of the following values: include: Include acceptance filters. exclude: Exclude acceptance filters. disable: Disable acceptance filters. annfiltmode - One of the following values: include: Include announcement filters. exclude: Exclude announcement filters. disable: Disable announcement filters. password - A clear-text password (16 characters maximum length). Remarks: Enables and configures RIP on a specified interface. Examples: add interface "Local Area Connection" Enables and configures RIP on the default LAN interface using RIP configuration default settings.


Quick - Link:
netsh routing ip ospf add neighbor
Adds OSPF neighbor.
netsh interface show
Displays information.
netsh interface ip show udpstats
Displays UDP statistics.
netsh routing ip rip add interface
Configures RIP on a specified interface.


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Windows 10 How To

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Configures RIP on a specified interface. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ip/rip/add/interface.htm
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