netsh » lan » export » profile

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh lan export profile ? Usage: export profile [folder=] [ [interface=] ] Parameters: folder - name of the folder where the profile XML files will be saved interface - name of the interface which has this profile configured Remarks: This command saves the selected profiles into XML files named as "Interface Name.XML". Parameter interface is optional. The folder name is mandatory. It must specify an existing folder accessible from the local computer. It can either be an absolute path, or a relative path to the current working directory. In addition, "." refers to the current working directory, and ".." refers to the parent directory of the current working directory. The folder name cannot be a UNC path. If interface name is given, the profile on the given interface will be saved as "Interface name.xml", Otherwise all profiles will be exported. Examples: export profile folder=. interface="Local Area Connection" export profile folder=c:\lan\profiles


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Exports specified profiles to XML files. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/lan/export/profile.htm
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