Microsoft Windows XP
[Version 5.1.2600
](C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
:\WINDOWS>netsh interface ip show ?
The following commands are available
Commands in this context
show address - Displays IP address configuration.
show config - Displays IP address and additional information.
show dns - Displays the DNS server addresses.
show icmp - Displays ICMP statistics.
show interface - Displays IP interface statistics.
show ipaddress - Displays current IP addresses.
show ipnet - Displays IP net-to-media mappings.
show ipstats - Displays IP statistics.
show joins - Displays multicast groups joined.
show offload - Displays the offload information.
show tcpconn - Displays TCP connections.
show tcpstats - Displays TCP statistics.
show udpconn - Displays UDP connections.
show udpstats - Displays UDP statistics.
show wins - Displays the WINS server addresses.