netsh » ipsec » dynamic » add » mmpolicy

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh ipsec dynamic add mmpolicy ? Usage: mmpolicy [ name = ] [ [ qmpermm = ] ] [ [ mmlifetime = ] ] [ [ softsaexpirationtime = ] ] [ [ mmsecmethods = ] (sec#1 sec#2 ... sec#n) ] Adds a main mode policy to SPD. Parameters: Tag Value name -Name of the main mode policy. qmpermm -Number of quick mode sessions per main mode session of IKE. mmlifetime -Time in minutes to rekey for main mode of IKE. softsaexpirationtime -Time in minutes for an unprotected SA to expire. mmsecmethods -List of one or more space separated security methods in the form of ConfAlg-HashAlg-GroupNum. where ConfAlg can be DES or 3DES where HashAlg can be MD5 or SHA1 GroupNum can be 1 (Low) or 2 (Med) or 3 (DH2048). Remarks: The use of DES and MD5 is not recommended. These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward compatibility only. Examples: add mmp name=mmp qmpermm=10 mmlifetime=300 softsa=20 mmsec="3DES-SHA1-3 DES-SHA1-2 3DES-MD5-3"


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Adds a main mode policy to SPD. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/ipsec/dynamic/add/mmpolicy.htm
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