netsh » interface » ipv4 » set » interface

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
(C) Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corp.
c:\windows>netsh interface ipv4 set interface ? Usage: set interface [interface=] [[forwarding=]enabled|disabled] [[advertise=]enabled|disabled] [[mtu=]] [[siteid=]] [[metric=]automatic|] [[firewall=]enabled|disabled] [[siteprefixlength=]] [[nud=]enabled|disabled] [[basereachabletime=]] [[retransmittime=]] [[dadtransmits=]] [[routerdiscovery=]enabled|disabled|dhcp] [[managedaddress=]enabled|disabled] [[otherstateful=]enabled|disabled] [[weakhostsend=]enabled|disabled] [[weakhostreceive=]enabled|disabled] [[ignoredefaultroutes=]enabled|disabled] [[store=]active|persistent] Parameters: Tag Value interface - Interface name or index. forwarding - Whether packets arriving on this interface can be forwarded to other interfaces. The default is disabled. advertise - Whether router advertisments are to be sent on this interface. The default is disabled. mtu - The MTU of this interface. The default is the natural MTU of the link. siteid - The Site-id can no longer be configured from netsh.The value specified is ignored. metric - Interface metric, added to route metrics for all routes over the interface. firewall - The Firewall can no longer be configured from netsh.The value specified is ignored. siteprefixlength - Default length of global prefix for the entire site. nud - Whether neighbor unreachability detection is enabled.The default depends on the type of the interface. basereachable - Base reachable time (in ms). retransmittime - Retransmit time (in ms). dadtransmits - Number of duplicate address detection transmits. routerdiscovery - Whether router discovery is enabled, disabled, or controlled by DHCP. managedaddress - Whether managed address configuration is enabled.Setting this parameter will have no effect on an interface that has router discovery enabled andadvertising disabled. For such an interface, the parameter is controlled by router discovery. otherstateful - Whether other stateful configuration is enabled . Setting this parameter will have no effect on an interface that has router discovery enabled and advertising disabled. For such an interface, the parameter is controlled by router discovery . weakhostsend - Whether weak host sends are enabled . weakhostreceive - Whether weak host receives are enabled . ignoredefaultroutes - Ignores the default routes on the interface. This option is disabled by default . store - One of the following values: active: Set only lasts until next boot . persistent: Set is persistent . Remarks: Modifies interface configuration parameters . Example: set interface "1" metric=2 forwarding=enabled store= active


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