netsh » ras » add » registeredserver

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh ras add registeredserver ? add registeredserver [ [domain = ] domain [server = ] server ] Registers the given Windows computer as a Remote Access server in the Active Directory of the given domain. server - the computer name of the computer to be registered as a Remote Access server. If no server is specified the computer from which the command is issued is assumed. domain - the domain in which the given server should be registered. If no domain is provided, the primary domain of the computer from which the command is issued is assumed.


Quick - Link:
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Registers the given Windows computer as a / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/ras/add/registeredserver.htm
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