The `REG LOAD` command on the Windows command line is used to load an external registry branch into the current registry. Here are examples with technical explanations:
Example 1: Loading an external registry branch:
- `REG LOAD`: The command to load an external registry branch.
- `HKLM\TempHive`: The target government hive path where the external registry branch is loaded.
- `C:\Path\To\External\Registration`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
Example 2: Loading an external registry branch with quotes in the path:
REG LOAD "HKLM\Software\Extern""C:\Path With Spaces\"
- Here the external registry branch is loaded at `"HKLM\Software\Extern"` and the path to the external registry file contains spaces.
Example 3: Loading an external registry branch with 32-bit registry view:
- `/reg:32`: The parameter indicating that the external registry branch is loaded with the 32-bit registry view.
Example 4: Loading an external registry branch with 64-bit registry view:
- `/reg:64`: The parameter indicating that the external registry branch is loaded with the 64-bit registry view.
Example 5: Overwriting an already loaded external registry branch without confirmation:
- `/y`: The parameter that forces an already loaded external registry branch to be overwritten without confirmation.
Note that loading external registry branches requires caution as it may impact the current registry. Back up the current registry beforehand and make sure you trust the source of the external registry branch.
"reg LOAD /?" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3693]
(c) Copyright 1985-2023 Microsoft Corp.
Console Registry Tool for Windows - version 3.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001. All rights reserved
REG LOAD KeyName FileName
KeyName ROOTKEY\SubKey (local machine only)
SubKey The key name to load the hive file into. Creating a new key
FileName The name of the hive file to load
You must use REG SAVE to create this file
Loads the file to the Key HKLM\TempHive
Important information, tips for the "reg LOAD /?" command
Yes, there are some important points to note when using the REG LOAD command on the Windows command line:
Of course, I'll put the strings in quotes. Here are the examples with the corresponding explanations:
Example 1: Loading an external registry branch:
- `"HKLM\TempHive"`: The target government hive path where the external registry branch is loaded.
- `"C:\Path\To\External\"`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
Example 2: Loading an external registry branch with quotes in the path:
REG LOAD "HKLM\Software\Extern""C:\Path With Spaces\"
- `"HKLM\Software\External"`: The target government tree path where the external registry branch is loaded.
- `"C:\Path With Spaces\"`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
Example 3: Loading an external registry branch with 32-bit registry view:
- `"HKLM\TempHive32"`: The target government hive path where the external registry branch with 32-bit registry view is loaded.
- `"C:\Path\To\External\"`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
- `/reg:32`: The parameter indicating that the external registry branch is loaded with the 32-bit registry view.
Example 4: Loading an external registry branch with 64-bit registry view:
- `"HKLM\TempHive64"`: The target government hive path where the external registry branch with 64-bit registry view is loaded.
- `"C:\Path\To\External\"`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
- `/reg:64`: The parameter indicating that the external registry branch is loaded with the 64-bit registry view.
Example 5: Overwriting an already loaded external registry branch without confirmation:
- `"HKLMTempHive"`: The target government hive path under which the external registry branch is loaded.
- `"C:\Path\To\Other\"`: The path to the external registry file (.hiv) that will be loaded.
- `/y`: The parameter that forces an already loaded external registry branch to be overwritten without confirmation.