netsh » routing » ip » ospf » show » neighbor

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ip ospf show neighbor ? Kullanım: show neighbor [ [index = ] IP-Adresi Nbr-Dizini ] [ [rr = ] Yenileme Oranı] Yenileme oranı saniye cinsinden süreyi belirtir.


Quick - Link:
netsh interface delete interface
Yönlendiriciden bir arabirimi siler.
netsh routing ip ospf show global
Genel OSPF parametrelerini gösterir.
netsh routing ip autodhcp set
Yap?land?rma bilgilerini belirler.
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IPv6 hedef önbelle?ini siler.


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OSPF komºular?n? gösterir. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/tr/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ip/ospf/show/neighbor.htm
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