netsh » http » dump

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh http dump ? Kullanim: dump Açiklamalar: Geçerli yapilandirmayi içeren bir komut dosyasi olusturur. Bir dosyaya kaydedilirse, bu komut dosyasi degistirilmis yapilandirma ayarlarini geri yüklemede kullanilabilir.


Quick - Link:


... Windows 10 FAQ
... Windows 10 How To

Windows 10 How To

... Windows 11 How To
... Windows 10 FAQ

Bir yapilandirma komut dosyasini gösterir. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/tr/Windows_7/netsh/http/dump.htm
Icon Layout in der *.dok Datei speichern oder *.ini!
Help TELNET clients is missing under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7 ... why?
You're welcome! Notice that I don't care -)
Change timestamps of directorys and files quickly and effectively!
Change dates and times with a free tool! 
There are several instances with different directories possible!
Q-Dir mit orangem Farbschema auf Windows 10/11!
Verwenden Sie die Schriftarten, ohne die Schriftart unter Windows 11, 10, 8.1 zu installieren!
Windows 10 app deny microphone access, but how!
If the network load is low, shut down the PC or put it in standby!
