netsh » routing » ip » routerdiscovery » add » interface

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ip routerdiscovery add interface ? Usage: add interface [name=] [[disc=]enable|disable] [[minint=]integer] [[maxint=]integer] [[life=]integer] [[level=]integer] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the specified interface. disc - One of the following values: enable: Enables router discovery. disable: Disables router discovery. minint - A minimum interval in minutes between router discovery packets. maxint - A maximum interval in minutes between router discovery packets. life - The number of minutes a router discovery packet sent from this router/server is valid. level - A number indicating preference for using this interface as the default gateway. Where multiple interfaces are enabled for router discovery, a higher number used here indicates a higher level of preference. Remarks: Configures router discovery for the specified interface. When added, router discovery advertisements are sent at random times bounded by the set minimum and maximum intervals. Examples: add interface "Local Area Connection" enable 7 10 30 0 The example command enables router discovery for the interface specified by name, and specifies default settings: a minimum interval of 7 minutes, a maximum interval of 10 minutes, a life of 30 minutes for router discovery packets, and a zero (0) or no preference level.


Quick - Link:
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Configures router discovery for the specified interface. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ip/routerdiscovery/add/interface.htm
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