netsh » ipsec » dynamic » show » rule

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
(C) Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corp.
c:\windows>netsh ipsec dynamic show rule ? Usage: rule [ [ type = ] (transport | tunnel) ] [ [ srcaddr = ] (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) ] [ [ dstaddr = ] (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) ] [ [ srcmask = ] (mask | prefix) ] [ [ dstmask = ] (mask | prefix) ] [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ] [ [ srcport = ] ] [ [ dstport = ] ] [ [ actioninbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ] [ [ actionoutbound = ] (permit | block | negotiate) ] [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ] Displays rule details from SPD. Parameters: Tag Value type -Type of rule to display, either transport or tunnel. srcaddr -Source ip address (ipv4 or ipv6), address range, dns name, or server type. dstaddr -Destination ip address (ipv4 or ipv6), address range, dns name, or server type. srcmask -Source address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32. dstmask -Destination address mask or a prefix of 1 through 32. protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer. srcport -Source port. A value of 0 means any port. dstport -Destination port. A value of 0 means any port. actioninbound -Action for inbound packets. actionoutbound -Action for outbound packets. resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name. Remarks: 1. Default for the type parameter is 'transport'. 2. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY. 3. If source or destination address name is specified, only rules associated with that address are displayed. 4. If an address range is specified, the endpoints need to be specific addresses (not lists, or subnets) and of the same type (both should be v4 or both should be v6). Examples: 1. show rule - shows both transport and tunnel rules 2. show rule type=transport srcaddr= proto=TCP


Quick - Link:
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Displays rule details from SPD. / Windows Vista

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_Vista/netsh/ipsec/dynamic/show/rule.htm
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