netsh » interface » ipv4 » delete » winsserver

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
(C) Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corp.
c:\windows>netsh interface ipv4 delete winsserver ? Usage: delete winsserver [name=] [[address=]|all] Parameters: Tag Value name - The name of the interface where WINS servers are deleted. address - One of the following values: : A specific IP address of a WINS server you are deleting. all: Deletes all configured IP addresses for WINS servers. Remarks: Deletes statically configured WINS server IP addresses for a specific interface. Examples: delete winsserver "Local Area Connection" delete winsserver "Local Area Connection" all


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Deletes the WINS server from the specified interface. / Windows Vista

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_Vista/netsh/interface/ipv4/delete/winsserver.htm
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