netsh » firewall » set » opmode

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6001]
(C) Copyright 2006 Microsoft Corp.
c:\windows>netsh firewall set opmode ? set opmode [ mode = ] ENABLE|DISABLE [ [ exceptions = ] ENABLE|DISABLE [ profile = ] CURRENT|DOMAIN|STANDARD|ALL Sets firewall operational configuration. Parameters: mode - Operational mode. ENABLE - Enable firewall. DISABLE - Disable firewall. exceptions - Exception mode (optional). ENABLE - Allow through firewall (default). DISABLE - Do not allow through firewall. profile - Configuration profile (optional). CURRENT - Applies to the active profile. Active profile can be domain, standard (i.e. private), or public. (default). DOMAIN - Applies to the domain profile. STANDARD - Applies to the standard (i.e. private) profile. ALL - Applies to the domain and standard (i.e. private) profile. Does not apply to the public profile. Examples: set opmode ENABLE set opmode mode=ENABLE exceptions=DISABLE


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Sets firewall operational configuration. / Windows Vista

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_Vista/netsh/firewall/set/opmode.htm
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