netsh » trace » start

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh trace start ? start Starts tracing. Usage: trace start [[scenario=]] [[globalKeywords=]keywords] [[globalLevel=]level] [[capture=]yes|no] [[report=]yes|no] [[persistent=]yes|no] [[traceFile=]path\filename] [[maxSize=]filemaxsize] [[fileMode=]single|circular|append] [[overwrite=]yes|no] [[correlation=]yes|no|disabled] [capturefilters] [[provider=]providerIdOrName] [[keywords=]keywordMaskOrSet] [[level=]level] [[provider=]provider2IdOrName] [[keywords=]keyword2MaskOrSet] [[level=]level2] ... Defaults: capture=no (specifies whether packet capture is enabled in addition to trace events) report=no (specifies whether a complementing report will be generated along with the trace file) persistent=no (specifies whether the tracing session continues across reboots, and is on until netsh trace stop is issued) maxSize=250 MB (specifies the maximum trace file size, 0=no maximum) fileMode=circular overwrite=yes (specifies whether an existing trace output file will be overwritten) correlation=yes (specifies whether related events will be correlated and grouped together) traceFile=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\NetTraces\NetTrace.etl (specifies location of the output file) Provider keywords default to all and level to 255 unless otherwise specified. For example: netsh trace start scenario=InternetClient capture=yes Starts tracing for the InternetClient scenario and dependent providers with packet capture enabled. Tracing will stop when the "netsh trace stop" command is issued or when the system reboots. Default location and name will be used for the output file. If an old file exists, it will be overwritten. netsh trace start provider=microsoft-windows-wlan-autoconfig keywords=state,ut:authentication Starts tracing for the microsoft-windows-wlan-autoconfig provider Tracing will stop when the "netsh trace stop" command is issued or when the system reboots. Default location and name will be used for the output file. If an old file exists, it will be overwritten. Only events with keyword 'state' or 'ut:authentication' will be logged. netsh trace show provider command can be used to display supported keywords and levels. Capture Filters: Capture filters are only supported when capture is explicitly enabled with capture=yes. Use 'netsh trace show CaptureFilterHelp' to display a list of supported capture filters and their usage.


Quick - Link:
netsh netio delete bindingfilter
Deletes a binding filter.
netsh branchcache smb set latency
Sets BranchCache SMB latency.
netsh nap client reset csp
Resets CSP configuration.
netsh advfirewall set publicprofile
Sets properties in the public profile.
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule
Displays a specified firewall rule.


... Windows 10 FAQ
... Windows 10 How To

Windows 10 How To

... Windows 11 How To
... Windows 10 FAQ

Starts tracing. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/trace/start.htm
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