netsh » ipsec » static » show » rule

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh ipsec static show rule ? Usage: rule [ name = ] | [ id = ] ] | [ all ] | [default] [ policy = ] [ [ type = ] (tunnel | tranport) ] [ [ level = ] (verbose | normal) ] [ [ format = ] (list | table) ] [ [ wide = ] (yes | no) ] Displays the details of rules for the policy. Parameters: Tag Value name | id | all | default -Name of the rule, its id, 'all', or 'default'. policy -Name of the policy. type -Rule type is 'transport' or 'tunnel'. level -Verbose or normal. format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format. wide -If set to 'no', the name and description are truncated to fit the screen width of 80 characters. Remarks: 1. If 'all' is specified, all rules are displayed. 2. If the type parameter is specified, 'all' needs to be specified. Examples: 1. show rule all type=transport policy=Policy1 - shows all the transport rules of the policy named Policy1. 2. show rule id=1 policy=Policy1 - shows the first rule of the policy. 3. show rule default policy=Policy1 - shows the details of the default response rule of Policy1.


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... Windows 10 FAQ
... Windows 10 How To

Windows 10 How To

... Windows 11 How To
... Windows 10 FAQ

Displays rule details. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/ipsec/static/show/rule.htm
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