netsh » ipsec » dynamic » show » qmsas

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh ipsec dynamic show qmsas ? Usage: qmsas [ [ all ] ] [ [ srcaddr =] (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) ] [ [ dstaddr =] (ipv4 | ipv6 | ipv4-ipv4 | ipv6-ipv6 | dns | server) ] [ [ protocol = ] (ANY | ICMP | TCP | UDP | RAW | ) ] [ [ format = ] (list | table) ] [ [ resolvedns = ] (yes | no) ] Displays the quick mode security associations for a specified address. Parameters: Tag Value all -Displays all quick mode security associations. srcaddr -Source ip address(ipv4 or ipv6), address range, dns name, or server type. dstaddr -Destination ip address(ipv4 or ipv6), address range, dns name, or server type. protocol -Can be ANY, ICMP, TCP, UDP, RAW, or an integer. format -Output in screen or tab-delimited format. resolvedns -Value of 'yes' displays the resolved dns name. Remarks: 1. Server type can be WINS, DNS, DHCP or GATEWAY. 2. If an address range is specified, the endpoints need to be specific addresses (not lists, or subnets) and of the same type (both should be v4 or both should be v6).\n Examples: 1. show qmsas all 2. show qmsas srca= dsta=


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Displays quick mode security associations from SPD. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/ipsec/dynamic/show/qmsas.htm
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