netsh » interface » ipv6 » set » neighbors

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7000]
(C) Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Windows>netsh interface ipv6 set neighbors ? Usage: set neighbors [interface=] [address=]] [neighbor=] [[store=]active|persistent] Parameters: Tag Value interface - Interface name or index. address - Address of neighbor. neighbor - Link layer address of neighbor store - One of the following values: active: Address will disappear on next boot. persistent: Address will be persistent. This is the default. Example: set neighbors "Private" "fec0::2" "12-34-56-78-9a-bc"


Quick - Link:
netsh interface ipv6 delete prefixpolicy
Deletes a prefix policy entry.
netsh ras ip delete
Removes items from a table.
netsh interface ipv4 show udpstats
Displays UDP statistics.
netsh ras add registeredserver
Registers the given Windows computer as a
netsh interface ipv4 set
Sets configuration information.


... Windows 10 FAQ
... Windows 10 How To

Windows 10 How To

... Windows 11 How To
... Windows 10 FAQ

Sets a neighbor address. / Windows 10, 8.1, Seven

HTTP: ... cmd/en/Windows_7/netsh/interface/ipv6/set/neighbors.htm
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