netsh » routing » ip » relay » uninstall

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1986-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\WINDOWS>netsh routing ip relay uninstall ? Uso: uninstall Remove o protocolo de roteamento que corresponde ao contexto atual.


Quick - Link:
netsh routing ipx show staticservice
Exibe serviços estáticos.
netsh interface ipv6 delete address
Exclui um endereço IPv6 de uma interface.
netsh p2p pnrp peer show convertedname
Converte nomes de mesmo nível em nomes DNS e vice-versa.
netsh diag show modem
Mostra todos os modems.
netsh routing ip nat delete ftp
Desativa o proxy FTP.


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Remova o protocolo de roteamento correspondente ao contexto atual. / Windows 2000/XP

HTTP: ... cmd/br/Windows_XP/netsh/routing/ip/relay/uninstall.htm
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