You need a java capable browser, like netscape 2.0!


... Windows 10 FAQ
... Windows 10 How To

Windows 10 How To

... Windows 11 How To
... Windows 10 FAQ

HTTP: ... Online-Games/ataxxlet/Ataxx/ataxxlet.html
Weitere Medien Spalten im Quad Explorer anzeigen, bzw. einblenden!
Fonts printing with print and preview function!
Stop Watch also known as chronograph, from ancient greek language! 
Change timestamps of directorys and files quickly and effectively!
 PDF Vorschau, PDF Miniaturansichten Windows-Explorer Problem!
Check box in the Quad File Explorer for file marking!
Registerkarten für die cmd.exe und powershell.exe!
Alternative to the Windows 11, 10, ... and MS Server Run-Dialog + extra features!
The lost Internet Explorer on Windows 10!
Externe Medien die nicht angeschlossen sind - Pfad merken!
