eventtriggers: This command-line tool enables an administrator to display and configure Event Triggers on local or remote system.


... The examples for the command "eventtriggers"
... "eventtriggers" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
... Important information, tips for the "eventtriggers" command

The command: "eventtriggers" is on Windows 12, 11, 10, .. , MS Server 2025, 2022, 2019, .. not available

The examples for the command "eventtriggers"

In modern Windows systems, event triggers are no longer used on the command line. Event triggers can also be used on the command line to trigger actions when certain events occur. Example 1: To display a message when a user executes a specific command, you can use the following event trigger

@echo off
rem event trigger that displays a message when the dir command is executed

rem When the dir command is executed, the following message is displayed:
if "%1"=="dir" (
  echo "The command 'dir' has been executed."

Example 2: To execute a command when a specific event occurs, you can use the following event trigger

@echo off
rem event trigger that executes the "shutdown" command when the "shutdown" command is executed

rem When the "shutdown" command is executed, the "shutdown" command is executed again:
if "%1"=="shutdown" (
  shutdown /s /t 0

"eventtriggers" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(c) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


EVENTTRIGGERS /parameter [arguments]

    This command-line tool enables an administrator to display and
    configure "Event Triggers" on local or remote system.

Parameter List:
    /Create     Create a new Event Trigger that will monitor and act
                upon the occurrence of NT Log Events of given criteria.

    /Delete     Deletes an Event Trigger by its trigger ID.

    /Query      Displays the Event Trigger properties and settings.

    /?          Displays this help/usage.

    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Delete /?
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Query  /?

Important information, tips for the "eventtriggers" command

In modern Windows systems, event triggers are no longer used on the command line. Instead, Event Viewer is used to monitor and process events. Event Viewer provides a graphical user interface that allows you to monitor and process events. You can use Event Viewer to: - Events to filter - Events to save - Events to analyze To use Event Viewer, open it from the Start menu. You can then filter the events by type, source, event ID, and other criteria. There is also the option to save events for later analysis. Here are some examples of using Event Viewer: - To diagnose problems with your hardware or software, you can use Event Viewer to look for error messages. - To improve the security of your system, you can use Event Viewer to search for security events. - To monitor your system's performance, you can use Event Viewer to search for performance events. Event Viewer is a powerful tool that allows you to monitor and process events in your Windows systems.

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The command eventtriggers - This command-line tool enables an administrator to display and configure Event Triggers on local or remote system.

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