PATH: Displays or sets a search path for executable files.


... The examples for the command "PATH"
... "PATH" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
... Important information, tips for the "PATH" command

The command: "PATH" is on Windows 12, 11, 10, .. , MS Server 2025, 2022, 2019, .. available

The examples for the command "PATH"

The `PATH` command in Windows Command Prompt is used to configure the search path for executable files. Here are some examples of using the `PATH` command: Example 1: Show current search path:


Description: Displays the current contents of the search path. Example 2: Adding a directory to the search path:

PATH %PATH%;C:\New\Directory

Description: Adds the directory "C:\New\Directory" to the current search path. `%PATH%` is used to preserve the existing search path. Example 3: Adding multiple directories to the search path:

PATH %PATH%;C:\Directory1;D:\Directory2

Description: Adds the directories "C:\Directory1" and "D:\Directory2" to the current search path. Example 4: Removing a directory from the search path:

PATH %PATH:C:\DirectoryTo\Remove=%

Description: Removes the directory "C:\To\Remove\Directory" from the current search path. Example 5: Setting the search path to a specific directory:

PATH C:\New\Directory

Description: Sets the search path to the "C:\New\Directory" directory. Note that this replaces the existing search path. Example 6: Search for executable files in a specific directory:

PATH C:\My\Program;%PATH%

Description: Sets the search path to "C:\My\Program" and keeps the existing search path. This emphasizes that the C:\My\Program directory is searched first. Example 7: Temporarily changing the search path in a batch file:

PATH %PATH%;C:\Temp\Tools
REM Run the commands that require the temporary directory here

Description: In a batch file, `SETLOCAL` is used to change the search path only locally for that file, without affecting the global search path for the entire session. Example 8: Permanently changing the search path in the system environment variable:

SETX PATH "%PATH%;C:\New\Directory" /M

Description: Using `SETX`, the search path can be permanently updated in the system environment variable. `/M` means it is applied to the system environment instead of the user environment. Please note that changes to the `PATH` command usually do not take effect immediately. You must start a new command prompt for the changes to take effect.

"PATH" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3693]
(c) Copyright 1985-2023 Microsoft Corp.


Displays or sets a search path for executable files.

PATH [[drive:]path[;...][;%PATH%]

Type PATH ; to clear all search-path settings and direct cmd.exe to search
only in the current directory.
Type PATH without parameters to display the current path.
Including %PATH% in the new path setting causes the old path to be
appended to the new setting.

Important information, tips for the "PATH" command

There are a few important points to note when working with the `PATH` command in the Windows Command Prompt: 1. Environment variable syntax: Make sure to use the syntax for editing environment variables correctly. `%PATH%` is used to access the current contents of the `PATH` variable. 2. Use separators: The individual directories in the `PATH` variable are usually separated by semicolons (`;`). Make sure you use the separator correctly. 3. Case Sensitivity: The `PATH` command in the Windows command prompt is usually not case-sensitive. This means that upper and lower case do not matter. Still, it is a good practice to maintain the correct spelling. 4. Changes do not take effect immediately: If you change the `PATH` command in a command prompt, the changes usually do not take effect immediately in the current session. You'll need to start a new command prompt to use the updated environment variables. 5. Avoid duplicate entries: Make sure to avoid duplicate entries in the `PATH`. Duplicate entries can lead to irregularities in the execution of commands. 6. Directories with spaces: If a directory in the `PATH` contains spaces, it should be enclosed in quotation marks to ensure it is interpreted correctly.

    PATH %PATH%;"C:\Directory with spaces"
7. System environment or user environment: Note the difference between the system environment and the user environment. Changes to the `PATH` in the system environment affect all users, while changes in the user environment only affect the current user. 8. `SETX` command for permanent changes: If you want to make a permanent change to the `PATH`, use the `SETX` command. Note that changes to the system environment may require a reboot.

    SETX PATH "%PATH%;C:\New\Directory" /M
9. Note search order: The order of the directories in the `PATH` influences the search for executable files. The system first looks in the directory that is first in the `PATH`. You can change the order to ensure that certain versions of programs are preferred. 10. Setting environment variables using SET: You can use the `SET` command to make temporary changes to the `PATH` in the current session.

    SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Temp\Tools
Keep these points in mind when using the `PATH` command in the Windows Command Prompt to ensure you configure the search path effectively and avoid potential problems.

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The command PATH - Displays or sets a search path for executable files.

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