EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?: Create a new Event Trigger that will monitor and act upon the occurrence of NT Log Events of a given criteria.


... The examples for the command "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?"
... "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
... Important information, tips for the "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?" command

The command: "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?" is on Windows 12, 11, 10, .. , MS Server 2025, 2022, 2019, .. not available

The examples for the command "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?"

In modern Windows systems, event triggers are no longer used on the command line.

"EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(c) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


EVENTTRIGGERS /Create [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]
                      /TR triggername /TK taskname [/D description]
                      [/L log]                       [/RU username [/RP 

    Create a new Event Trigger that will monitor and act upon the
    occurrence of NT Log Events of a given criteria.

    NOTE: Using /EID, /T and /SO together act as a series of AND's.

Parameter List:
    /S      system           Specifies the remote system to connect to.

    /U      [domain\]user    Specifies the user context under which the
                             command should execute.

    /P      [password]       Specifies the password for the given user
                             context. Prompts for input if omitted.

    /TR     triggername      Specifies a friendly name to associate with
                             the Event Trigger.

    /L      log              Specifies the NT Event Log(s) to monitor
                             events from. Valid types include:
                             Application, System, Security, DNS Server
                             Log and Directory Log. The wildcard "*"
                             may be used and the default value is "*".

    /EID    id               Specifies a specific Event ID the Event
                             Trigger should monitor for.

    /T      type             Specifies an Event Type that the trigger
                             should monitor for. Valid values include:
                             "ERROR", "INFORMATION", "WARNING",
                             "SUCCESSAUDIT" and "FAILUREAUDIT".

    /SO     source           Specifies a specific Event Source the Event
                             Trigger should monitor for.

    /D      description      Specifies the description of the Event

    /TK     taskname         Specifies the task to execute when the
                             Event Trigger conditions are met.

    /RU     username         Specifies the user account (user context)
                             under which the task runs. For the system
                             account value must be "".

    /RP     password         Specifies the password for the user.
                             To prompt for the password, the value
                             must be either "*" or none.
                             Password will not effect for the "SYSTEM"

    /?                       Displays this help/usage.

    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /TR "Disk Cleanup" /L SYSTEM /T ERROR
                          /TK c:\windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /S system /U user /TR "Low Disk Space"
                          /EID 4133 /T WARNING
                          /TK \\srv\share\dsk.cmd
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /S system /U domain\user /P password
                          /TR "Disk Backup" /EID 4133 /L SYSTEM
                          /T ERROR /TK \\system\share\ntbackup.exe
    EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /RU user /RP password /TR "Disk Backup"
                          /TK \\system\share\ntbackup.exe /EID 4

Important information, tips for the "EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /?" command

In modern Windows systems, event triggers are no longer used on the command line. Instead, Event Viewer is used to monitor and process events. To use Event Viewer, open it from the Start menu. You can then filter the events by type, source, event ID, and other criteria. There is also the option to save events for later analysis.

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The command EVENTTRIGGERS /Create /? - Create a new Event Trigger that will monitor and act upon the occurrence of NT Log Events of a given criteria.

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