MORE: Displays output one screen at a time.


... The examples for the command "MORE"
... "MORE" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
... Important information, tips for the "MORE" command

The command: "MORE" is on Windows 12, 11, 10, .. , MS Server 2025, 2022, 2019, .. available

The examples for the command "MORE"

The `MORE` command in Windows Command Prompt is used to display the contents of text files one page at a time. Here are some examples of using the `MORE` command: Example 1: Displaying the contents of a text file:

MORE filename.txt

Description: Displays the contents of the text file "Filename.txt" page by page. You can scroll through the pages by pressing the space bar and pressing "Q" exits the display. Example 2: Displaying the contents of a text file with line numbers:

MORE +10 filename.txt

Description: Displays the contents of the text file "Filename.txt" starting at line 10. You can change the line number to `+` to start from a different line. Example 3: Viewing the contents of a text file and searching for a pattern:

MORE filename.txt | FIND “search pattern”

Description: Displays the contents of the text file "Filename.txt" page by page, filtering for the specified search pattern using the `FIND` command. Example 4: Displaying text generated by another command:


Description: Displays the output of the `DIR` command (list of files and directories) page by page. Example 5: Displaying the help content of a command:


Description: Displays the help content of the `HELP` command page by page. Example 6: Viewing the contents of multiple files:

MORE File1.txt File2.txt

Description: Displays the contents of multiple text files page by page, allowing you to scroll through the pages. Example 7: Displaying the contents of a text file and pausing after each screen:

MORE /P filename.txt

Description: Displays the contents of the text file "Filename.txt" and pauses after each screen page. You can continue scrolling with the space bar or end with "Q". These examples show various use cases for the `MORE` command in the Windows Command Prompt. You can combine the `MORE` options to tailor the command to your specific needs. Note that some features may vary depending on the version of Windows. You can access the help of the `MORE` command with `MORE /?` to see more options.

"MORE" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3693]
(c) Copyright 1985-2023 Microsoft Corp.


Displays output one screen at a time.

MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]] < [drive:][path]filename
command-name | MORE [/E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n]]
MORE /E [/C] [/P] [/S] [/Tn] [+n] [files]

    [drive:][path]filename  Specifies a file to display one
                            screen at a time.

    command-name            Specifies a command whose output
                            will be displayed.

    /E      Enable extended features
    /C      Clear screen before displaying page
    /P      Expand FormFeed characters
    /S      Squeeze multiple blank lines into a single line
    /Tn     Expand tabs to n spaces (default 8)

            Switches can be present in the MORE environment

    +n      Start displaying the first file at line n

    files   List of files to be displayed. Files in the list
            are separated by blanks.

    If extended features are enabled, the following commands
    are accepted at the -- More -- prompt:

    P n     Display next n lines
    S n     Skip next n lines
    F       Display next file
    Q       Quit
    =       Show line number
    ?       Show help line
    <space> Display next page
    <ret>   Display next line

Important information, tips for the "MORE" command

There are a few points to note when using the `MORE` command in the Windows Command Prompt: 1. Keyboard Shortcuts: The `MORE` command supports various keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the displayed text. Typically, the arrow keys are used for scrolling and the space bar is used to move between pages. Pressing "Q" ends the display. 2. Pipe with other commands: `MORE` can be used in conjunction with other commands by using the output operator (`|`). For example `DIR /B | MORE` displays the contents of the current directory page by page. 3. Number of pages per screen: In some versions of `MORE`, the number of rows per screen can be adjusted using the `ROWS` environment variable. For example: `SET ROWS=40` sets the number of rows to 40. 4. `/P` option: If you use the `/P` switch (`MORE /P`), `MORE` pauses after each screen and waits for the user to press a key to continue . This can be useful for looking at the text step by step. 5. Different Versions: The functionality of `MORE` may vary depending on the version of Windows you are using. Particularly in older versions of Windows, support may be more limited than in newer versions. 6. Multiple files: `MORE` can also display multiple files at the same time if you provide multiple filenames as arguments. You can switch between files with "N" (next file) and "P" (previous file). 7. Character set: `MORE` displays the text based on the current console character set. If the text doesn't display properly, it could be due to an inappropriate character set. 8. Alternative Commands: In modern versions of Windows, the `less` command is more commonly used to page text as it provides more functionality. However, the `less` command is not available in Command Prompt by default. 9. Show Help: To view a list of available options and keyboard shortcuts for `MORE`, you can use the `MORE /?` command. Keep these points in mind when using `MORE` in the Windows Command Prompt to ensure you can use its features effectively. Also note that there are alternative tools that can provide advanced text file viewing capabilities.

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The command MORE - Displays output one screen at a time.

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