The command: "w32tm" is on Windows 12, 11, 10, .. , MS Server 2025, 2022, 2019, .. available
The examples for the command "w32tm"
The w32tm command in Windows is used to manage the configuration of the Windows Time service and display information about the time source. Here are some examples of using
"w32tm" in the Windows command line:
Example 1: View time service configuration:
w32tm /query /status
This command displays the status of the Windows Time Service, including configuration, source address, and time synchronization information.
Example 2: View Time Service Source Configuration:
w32tm /query /source
The configuration of the time service source is displayed here, including the time provider used.
Example 3: Synchronize time service:
w32tm /resync
This command forces the Windows Time service to synchronize time with the configured source.
Example 4: Changing the configuration of the time service:
w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:YES /update
This changes the Windows Time Service configuration to synchronize time from and increase reliability.
Example 5: Add external time source:
w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:"" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:YES /update
This command adds an external time source (here
"") to the Windows Time Service configuration.
It is important to note that managing time synchronization on Windows systems is critical to ensuring accurate time, especially in network or domain environments. Before making changes to the Windows Time service, it is advisable to review the current configuration and ensure that changes meet the specific needs of the system.
"w32tm" Excerpt from Microsoft Windows Help
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3693]
(c) Copyright 1985-2023 Microsoft Corp.
w32tm [/? | /register | /unregister ]
? - this help screen.
register - register to run as a service and add default
configuration to the registry.
unregister - unregister service and remove all configuration
information from the registry.
w32tm /monitor [/domain:<domain name>]
domain - specifies which domain to monitor. If no domain name
is given, or neither the domain nor computers option is
specified, the default domain is used. This option may be
used more than once.
computers - monitors the given list of computers. Computer
names are separated by commas, with no spaces. If a name is
prefixed with a '*', it is treated as a PDC. This option
may be used more than once.
threads - how many computers to analyze simultaneously. The
default value is 3. Allowed range is 1-50.
w32tm /ntte <NT time epoch>
Convert a NT system time, in (10^-7)s intervals from 0h 1-Jan 1601,
into a readable format.
w32tm /ntpte <NTP time epoch>
Convert an NTP time, in (2^-32)s intervals from 0h 1-Jan 1900, into
a readable format.
w32tm /resync [/computer:<computer>] [/nowait] [/rediscover] [/soft]
Tell a computer that it should resynchronize its clock as soon
as possible, throwing out all accumulated error statistics.
computer:<computer> - computer that should resync. If not
specified, the local computer will resync.
nowait - do not wait for the resync to occur;
return immediately. Otherwise, wait for the resync to
complete before returning.
rediscover - redetect the network configuration and rediscover
network sources, then resynchronize.
soft - resync utilizing existing error statistics. Not useful,
provided for compatibility.
w32tm /stripchart /computer:<target> [/period:<refresh>]
[/dataonly] [/samples:<count>]
Display a strip chart of the offset between this computer and
another computer.
computer:<target> - the computer to measure the offset against.
period:<refresh> - the time between samples, in seconds. The
default is 2s
dataonly - display only the data, no graphics.
samples:<count> - collect <count> samples, then stop. If not
specified, samples will be collected until Ctrl-C is pressed.
w32tm /config [/computer:<target>] [/update]
[/manualpeerlist:<peers>] [/syncfromflags:<source>]
computer:<target> - adjusts the configuration of <target>. If not
specified, the default is the local computer.
update - notifies the time service that the configuration has
changed, causing the changes to take effect.
manualpeerlist:<peers> - sets the manual peer list to <peers>,
which is a space-delimited list of DNS and/or IP addresses.
When specifying multiple peers, this switch must be enclosed in
syncfromflags:<source> - sets what sources the NTP client should
sync from. <source> should be a comma separated list of
these keywords (not case sensitive):
MANUAL - include peers from the manual peer list
DOMHIER - sync from a DC in the domain hierarchy
w32tm /tz
Display the current time zone settings.
w32tm /dumpreg [/subkey:<key>] [/computer:<target>]
Display the values associated with a given registry key.
The default key is HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time
(the root key for the time service).
subkey:<key> - displays the values associated with subkey <key> of the default
computer:<target> - queries registry settings for computer <target>
Important information, tips for the "w32tm" command
Special care must be taken when using the w32tm command on the Windows command line to manage the Windows Time service. Windows Time Service plays a critical role in network time synchronization, which is crucial for various applications and services. Here are some aspects to pay attention to when using "w32tm":
1. Network dependencies:
The Windows Time service relies heavily on network connectivity. When configuring or updating, you should ensure that the time source is reachable and the network is not experiencing connectivity issues.
2. Reliability and Authentication:
Particular attention should be paid to selecting a reliable time source and configuring authentication options. This is especially important to ensure that the time information comes from a trustworthy source.
3. Time synchronization hierarchy:
In networks with domain controllers and member servers, correctly configuring the time synchronization hierarchy is critical. This includes the allocation of primary and secondary time sources to ensure reliable and accurate synchronization.
4. Checking current status:
Before applying changes, you should check the current status of the time service, especially when working with a command such as "w32tm /query /status". This provides insight into the existing configuration and sync status.
5. Make changes carefully:
Changes to the Windows Time Service configuration should be made carefully. In particular, adding or removing time sources should be carefully planned to avoid undesirable effects on system time.
6. Monitor logging:
It is advisable to monitor the Windows Time Service logging capabilities to identify possible errors or warnings related to time synchronization.
By paying attention to these aspects, administrators can ensure that the Windows Time service works reliably and accurately, which is critical to the smooth functioning of networks and applications.
There are several alternative approaches and tools for managing time on Windows systems. Here are some alternatives to the "w32tm" command:
1. Windows "Net Time" file:
The "net time" command was used in older versions of Windows to retrieve time from a network time server. However, "w32tm" is considered a more modern and preferred option.
2. Registry entries for time configuration:
Some time configurations can be made directly in the Windows registry. However, this requires detailed knowledge of the registry structure and should be done with caution.
3. Automatic time checking via Internet protocols:
Certain applications and systems can obtain time directly via the Internet Protocol (NTP) without using the Windows Time Service.
4. Third Party NTP Clients:
There are various third-party NTP clients that can provide advanced time management features and configuration options.
5. Use of PowerShell Cmdlets:
PowerShell provides cmdlets that can be used to manage system time. For example, you can use the `Get-Date` cmdlet to get the current time.
6. Automatic time synchronization in virtualization environments:
In virtualization environments, particularly when running virtual machines (VMs), time can be automatically synchronized through integration services or virtualization platform tools.
It is important to note that "w32tm" is typically the preferred and built-in method of managing system time in Windows. Selecting an alternative should depend on the specific requirements and system configurations. If possible, it is advisable to use standard Windows Time Service features to ensure consistent and reliable time management.