about_jobs - PowerShell command help and examples

Provides information about how Windows PowerShell background jobs run a (about_jobs)

Provides information about how Windows PowerShell background jobs run a command or expression in the background without interacting with the current session.
This topic explains how to run background jobs in Windows PowerShell on a local computer. For information about running background jobs on remote computers, see about_Remote_Jobs. When you start a background job, the command prompt returns immediately, even if the job takes an extended time to complete. You can continue to work in the session without interruption while the job runs. Important: Background jobs that are started by using Start-Job or the AsJob parameter of Invoke-Command rely on the Windows PowerShell remoting infrastructure. To use these features, Windows PowerShell must be configured for remoting, even if the background job is run only on the local computer. For more information, see about_Remote_Requirements. HOW TO START A JOB ON THE LOCAL COMPUTER To start a background job on the local computer, use the Start-Job cmdlet. To write a Start-Job command, enclose the command that the job runs in braces ( { } ). Use the ScriptBlock parameter to specify the command. The following command starts a background job that runs a Get-Process command on the local computer. start-job -scriptblock {get-process} The Start-Job command returns an object that represents the job. The job object contains useful information about the job, but it does not contain the job results. Save the job object in a variable, and then use it with the other Job cmdlets to manage the background job. The following command starts a job object and saves the resulting job object in the $job variable. $job = start-job -scriptblock {get-process} You can also use the Get-Job cmdlet to get objects that represent the jobs started in the current session. Get-Job returns the same job object that Start-Job returns. GETTING JOB OBJECTS To get object that represent the background jobs that were started in the current session, use the Get-Job cmdlet. Without parameters, Get-Job returns all of the jobs that were started in the current session. For example, the following command gets the jobs in the current session. get-job Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command -- ---- ----- ----------- -------- ------- 1 Job1 Running True localhost get-process You can also save the job object in a variable and use it to represent the job in a later command. The following command gets the job with ID 1 and saves it in the $job variable. $job = get-job -id 1 The job object contains the state of the job, which indicates whether the job has finished. A finished job has a state of "Complete" or "Failed". A job might also be blocked or running. get-job Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command -- ---- ----- ----------- -------- ------- 1 Job1 Complete True localhost get-process GETTING THE RESULTS OF A JOB When you run a background job, the results do not appear immediately. Instead, the Start-Job cmdlet returns a job object that represents the job, but it does not contain the results. To get the results of a background job, use the Receive-Job cmdlet. The following command uses the Receive-Job cmdlet to get the results of the job. It uses a job object saved in the $job variable to identify the job. receive-job -job $job The Receive-Job cmdlet returns the results of the job. Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- 103 4 11328 9692 56 1176 audiodg 804 14 12228 14108 100 101.74 1740 CcmExec 668 7 2672 6168 104 32.26 488 csrss ... You can also save the results of a job in a variable. The following command saves the results of the job in the $job variable to the $results variable. $results = receive-job -job $job And, you can save the results of the job in a file by using the redirection operator (>) or the Out-File cmdlet. The following command uses the redirection operator to save the results of the job in the $job variable in the Results.txt file. receive-job -job $job > results.txt GETTING AND KEEPING PARTIAL JOB RESULTS The Receive-Job cmdlet returns the results of a background job. If the job is complete, Receive-Job returns the complete results of the job. If the job is still running, Receive-Job gets the results that have been generated thus far. You can run Receive-Job commands again to get the remaining results. When Receive-Job returns results, by default, it deletes the results from the cache where job results are stored. If you run another Receive-Job command, you get only the results that were not yet received. The following commands show the results of Receive-Job commands run before the job is complete. C:\PS> receive-job -job $job Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- 103 4 11328 9692 56 1176 audiodg 804 14 12228 14108 100 101.74 1740 CcmExec C:\PS> receive-job -job $job Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- 68 3 2632 664 29 0.36 1388 ccmsetup 749 22 21468 19940 203 122.13 3644 communicator 905 7 2980 2628 34 197.97 424 csrss 1121 25 28408 32940 174 430.14 3048 explorer To prevent Receive-Job from deleting the job results that it has returned, use the Keep parameter. As a result, Receive-Job returns all of the results that have been generated until that time. The following commands show the effect of using the Keep parameter on a job that is not yet complete. C:\PS> receive-job -job $job -keep Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- 103 4 11328 9692 56 1176 audiodg 804 14 12228 14108 100 101.74 1740 CcmExec C:\PS> receive-job -job $job -keep Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- ----------- 103 4 11328 9692 56 1176 audiodg 804 14 12228 14108 100 101.74 1740 CcmExec 68 3 2632 664 29 0.36 1388 ccmsetup 749 22 21468 19940 203 122.13 3644 communicator 905 7 2980 2628 34 197.97 424 csrss 1121 25 28408 32940 174 430.14 3048 explorer WAITING FOR THE RESULTS If you run a command that takes a long time to be completed, you can use the properties of the job object to determine when the job is complete. The following command uses the Get-Job object to get all of the background jobs in the current session. get-job The results appear in a table. The status of the job appears in the State column. Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command -- ---- ----- ----------- -------- ------- 1 Job1 Complete True localhost get-process 2 Job2 Running True localhost get-eventlog -log syst... 3 Job3 Complete True localhost dir -path c:\* -recurse In this case, the State property reveals that Job 2 is still running. If you were to use the Receive-Job cmdlet to get the job results now, the results would be incomplete. You can use the Receive-Job cmdlet repeatedly to get all of the results. By default, each time you use it, you get only the results that were not already received, but you can use the Keep parameter of the Receive-Job cmdlet to retain the results, even though they were already received. At this point, you can write the results to a file and then append the newly received results as they arrive. Or, you can wait and check the state of the job later. Or, you can use the Wait-Job cmdlet to wait for any or all of the results of the job. Wait-Job lets you wait for a particular job, for all jobs, or for any of the jobs to be completed. The following command uses the Wait-Job cmdlet to wait for a job with ID 10. wait-job -ID 10 As a result, the Windows PowerShell prompt is suppressed until the job is completed. You can also wait for a predetermined period of time. This command uses the Timeout parameter to limit the wait to 120 seconds. When the time expires, the command prompt returns, but the job continues to run in the background. wait-job -ID 10 -timeout 120 STOPPING A JOB To stop a background job, use the Stop-Job cmdlet. The following command starts a job to get every entry in the System event log. It saves the job object in the $job variable. $job = start-job -scriptblock {get-eventlog -log system} The following command stops the job. It uses a pipeline operator (|) to send the job in the $job variable to Stop-Job. $job | stop-job DELETING A JOB To delete a background job, use the Remove-Job cmdlet. The following command deletes the job in the $job variable. remove-job -job $job INVESTIGATING A FAILED JOB To find out why a job failed, use the Reason subproperty of the job object. The following command starts a job without the required credentials. It saves the job object in the $job variable. $job = start-job -scriptblock {new-item -path HKLM:\Software\MyCompany} Id Name State HasMoreData Location Command -- ---- ----- ----------- -------- ------- 1 Job1 Failed False localhost new-item -path HKLM:\S... The following command uses the Reason property to find the error that caused the job to fail. $job.ChildJobs[0].JobStateInfo.Reason In this case, the job failed because the remote computer required explicit credentials to run the command. The value of the Reason property is: Connecting to remote server failed with the following error message : Access is denied. THE JOB CMDLETS Start-Job Starts a background job on a local computer. Get-Job Gets the background jobs that were started in the current session. Receive-Job Gets the results of background jobs. Stop-Job Stops a background job. Wait-Job Suppresses the command prompt until one or all jobs are complete. Remove-Job Deletes a background job. Invoke-Command The AsJob parameter runs any command as a background job on a remote computer. You can also use Invoke-Command to run any job command remotely, including a Start-Job command. SEE ALSO about_Remote_Jobs about_Job_Details about_Remote about_PSSessions Start-Job Get-Job Receive-Job Stop-Job Wait-Job Remove-Job Invoke-Command C:\Windows>powershell get-help about_job_details -full

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