about_Command_Syntax - PowerShell command help and examples

Describes the notation used for Windows PowerShell syntax in Help. (about_Command_Syntax)

Describes the notation used for Windows PowerShell syntax in Help.
The Get-Help cmdlet displays the parameter usage for a cmdlet. The Get-Help cmdlet uses the following special symbols: Angle brackets (<>) indicate placeholder text. Brackets ([]) indicate optional items. Braces ({}) indicate a choice among values. Some cmdlets have more than one set of parameters. Distinct parameter sets can share some parameters. The Get-Help cmdlet displays all the parameter sets for a cmdlet. You can find additional information about a parameter in the parameter description and in the parameter attribute table. To view complete information about a parameter, use the Full or Parameter parameters of Get-Help. Syntax Windows PowerShell cmdlet Help, Help topics, and other documentation use the following notation for cmdlets in syntax descriptions. <cmdlet name> -<Required Parameter name> <Required parameter Value> [-<Optional Parameter name> <Optional Parameter Value>] [-<Optional Switch Parameter>] [-<Optional Parameter Name>] <Required parameter Value> The following is the syntax for the New-Alias cmdlet. New-Alias [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Scope <string>] [-Option {None | ReadOnly | Constant | Private | AllScope}] [-Description <string>] [-Name] <string> [-Value] <string> [-confirm] [-whatif] [<CommonParameters>] The syntax is capitalized for readability, but Windows Powershell is case-insensitive. Parameters appear in order. The order of parameters is significant only when the parameter names are optional. If you do not specify parameter names when you use a cmdlet, Windows PowerShell assigns values to parameters by position and by type. Parameter names are preceded by a hyphen (-). Switch parameters appear without a value type. Other parameters appear with the Microsoft .NET Framework type of the argument required or with an enumeration of possible values. For more information about .NET Framework types, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=143682. Angle brackets (<>) indicate placeholder text. This text can describe the type of an item (such as a string or a Process object). It can also be a placeholder for one or more common parameters. Brackets ([]) indicate optional items. A parameter can be optional, or the name of a required parameter can be optional. Switch parameters are always optional. Braces ({}) appear around the values of an enumeration. In the example of the New-Alias cmdlet, the Option parameter can have any of the listed values. Optional Items Brackets ([]) surround optional items. For example, in the New-Alias cmdlet syntax description, the Scope parameter is optional. This is indicated in the syntax by the brackets around the parameter name and type: [-Scope <string>] Both the following examples are correct uses of the New-Alias cmdlet: New-Alias -Name utd -Value Update-TypeData New-Alias -Name utd -Value Update-TypeData -Scope global A parameter name can be optional even if the value for that parameter is required. This is indicated in the syntax by the brackets around the parameter name but not the parameter type, as in this example from the New-Alias cmdlet: [-Name] <string> [-Value] <string> The following commands correctly use the New-Alias cmdlet. The commands produce the same result: New-Alias -Name utd -Value Update-TypeData New-Alias -Name utd Update-TypeData New-Alias utd -Value Update-TypeData New-Alias utd Update-TypeData If the parameter name is not included in the statement as typed, Windows PowerShell tries to use the position of the arguments to assign the values to parameters. The following example is not complete: New-Alias utd This cmdlet requires values for both the Name and Value parameters. In syntax examples, brackets are also used in naming and casting to .NET Framework types. In this context, brackets do not indicate an element is optional. Array Arguments Brackets are also used in syntax descriptions to represent an array. The following example shows the syntax for the Restart-Service cmdlet: Restart-Service [-Name] <string[]> [-Include <string[]>] [-Exclude <string[]>] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] The Name parameter requires an argument. Specifically, it requires the name of the service to be restarted. It can take a comma-separated list of services, as in the following example: Restart-Service RasAuto, RasMan, RemoteAccess SEE ALSO Get-Help C:\Windows>powershell get-help about_Comment_Based_Help -full

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.3693]
Copyright (c) 2023 Microsoft Corporation.

ColorConsole [Version 3.7.1000] PowerShell 2.0-Export

Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7 / Server 2022, 2019, 2016


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PowerShell: Describes the notation used for Windows PowerShell syntax in Help.

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